Wednesday 27 November 2019

Today I was learning how to make a gif

I enjoyed making it

I found it challenging to make the slides

My digital learning object shows I know how to make a gif

Next time I would change what I put into the slide

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Term 3 recap

Things have been changing a lot in this class. The first game we had this term was called dodgeball. This isn't an ordinary dodgeball game though, you can get back in the game when someone catches a ball. Now we play a game called medic, but it is way more fun.

We went to our marae called  Te Poho o Rawiri . The people at the marae talked about the history of the marae and other stories. We did rotations to different activities. On Thursday night we did a performance to our families. 

After the performance we went into the wharenui and they told us a story.
The next day we we finished our rotations and got into the bus to get to school. When we got to school we were invited into Koka Ngaires class to watch a movie. 

One of the funnest days of the term was tabloids day.  Tabloids day went from after morning tea to three fifty five pm.
  On Tabloids day the activities were fun and clever. My favorite activity was the three legged race or  ball throw and my groups favorite activity was apple bobbing.

My highlight of this term was tabloids day and I don't think I have had a bad part of this term.


Wednesday 28 August 2019

Today I was learning how to put links in
I enjoyed making the quiz
I found it challenging to make it
My digital learning object shows
Next time I would change

Thursday 15 August 2019

Holes task

This is one of my holes tasks. Holes is the book that we are reading in class, (it is really good.) This is a task for awer priorities. I need to wright a recipe for a formyoula. I made mine with a big combination of different fruits and I put them together. 

At the bottom of the page there is a pisher of a bottle.That is what it looks like.      

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Today I was learning how to show what I do on devisis.
I enjoyed watching the slide move .
I found it challenging to get all the logos onto the slides and onto my blog.
My digital learning object shows how fun the games and websites are.
Next time I would change how long it takes me to do. 

Thursday 20 June 2019

24 Hour Footprint: Digital Map

I have been on Epic most times in the last 24 hours and I have been on Prodigy  the least amount of times. My favorite thing i'v done in the last 24 hours is Prodigy. 

Thursday 13 June 2019


Hi my name is Nathan and I goIng to WaInuI Beach School. I'm from AmerIca. I've got Dad, Mum and a sister.

I love Math, handwrItIng and doIng art. My challenge thIs year Is to do qualIty work when people are beIng dIstractIng.

ThIs year I'm lookIng forward to pIe and doughnut day and I want to be the best at math In the class even though OlIver Is.


Friday 5 April 2019


Outside it looks like the sun is dead.  There is water on the ground in puddles.  I'm  Looking into a cold but peaceful paradise. The puddles are shimmering like a rambo.  I see stormy dark clouds in the sky.  

Autumn sounds are quiet, even the birds are quiet.  You can hear the wind howling like wolves. It sounds calm like the world is spinning more slowly.

It smells like firewood and smoke.  It also smelled like fresh air. It smells like baking.

It feels cold and dead.  It also feels really wet and disgusting.

It tastes like scones and moza ball soup.  

It also tastes like baked treats fresh from the oven.

Friday 22 March 2019

Faces and Places Week

   Last week was based on Faces and Places.  Each day we would do something that was related to our Faces and Places inquiry.

On Monday we walked down to the Hamanatua stream.  The first thing we did was pick up rubbish to show that we are all kaitiaki for our place. 

Then, one of the teachers told us a story.  When they finished the story we did hut building.  When the hut building was over we walked back to school to have a swim and our lunch.  After lunch we had a famous artist come in and share his art skills with us, his name was Steve Gibbs and he is a local artist.

When the talk was over we went to the big field across the road to play five ball soccer.  It was a great day.